
Miscellaneous Arthropods

Care Guides for Arthropods

In addition to tarantulas and other arachnids, we offer care guides for arthropods of all kinds. Just scroll down for a list of arthropods. From centipedes to crustaceans, we’ll cover some of the many creatures in this phylum that enthusiasts might want to learn more about. 


Arthropod Care Basics

Want to learn more about arthropod care in general? We can help you get started with a basic arthropod care guide that covers the essentials.


In our comprehensive guide, you’ll learn about what kind of environment to consider, the different types of arthropods, some facts, and other details that can help you determine whether and which arthropods are the right pet for you.

What Constitutes an Arthropod?

So, what exactly is an arthropod? We’ll cover this more extensively in our complete guide to arthropod basics, but put simply, it’s the largest phylum in the animal kingdom.


These invertebrates have a harder exoskeleton consisting of chitinous material, which adds a layer of protection for their sensitive insides. Another characteristic unique to this phylum is the ability to molt, which is how these animals grow.


Arthropods comprise insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and a multitude of other invertebrates, and many of them can make interesting pets for hobbyists.

What Are the Main Characteristics of an Arthropod?

What do you look for in an arthropod? The answer includes several key elements:


  • An exoskeleton


  • A segmented body, often consisting of an abdomen, thorax, and cephalothorax


  • An open circulatory system


  • Jointed limbs


  • Bilateral symmetry (symmetrical body on both halves)

What Arthropods Make Good Pets?

This really comes down to which are a good fit for each individual based on aesthetics and hardiness. Some arthropods make better pets than others. We’ll go more in-depth with this topic in our complete guide to arthropod care basics, but here are some ideas:


  • Tarantulas (which are the main focus of this site, of course)


  • Scorpions


  • Centipedes


  • Millipedes


  • Beetles


  • Hermit crabs


  • And many others

Individual Arthropod Care Guides

Below you’ll find care guides for many common species of arthropods. Regardless of the kind of pet you’re looking for in this phylum, we’ll help you make the right selection.






  • Scolopendra heros (Giant Desert Centipede)
  • Scolopendra gigantea (Amazonian Giant Centipede)

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