
Other Arachnids

Beyond Tarantulas: Arachnid Care Guides

Interested in owning another arachnid other than a tarantula? We’ve got you covered with some in-depth arachnid care guides. Whether you’re curious about true spiders, scorpions, whip scorpions, or even harvestmen, you’ll find a care guide for it below!

Arachnid Care Guide Basics

Want to care for arachnids outside of tarantulas? There are many members of the arachnid family and all have different needs to maintain them. From garden spiders to scorpions, you should know what to expect with each species before committing to their care.


If you want to learn more about the many arachnids out there, read our guide to basic arachnid care before diving into individual species. You’ll find out what kinds of enclosures work best and other aspects of their care, regardless of the type of arachnid you want to keep.

Are Arachnids High-Maintenance Pets?

You might wonder just how difficult it is to care for arachnids. The fact is that most are pretty easy to maintain. In fact, the low maintenance that comes with these animals may make them more appealing to many prospective pet owners.


Most spiders and other arachnids don’t need much attention or overall care. They just need comfortable housing, the occasional feeding (we’re talking like once a week), and an owner who doesn’t handle them dangerously. The below arachnid care guides will illustrate just how easy these animals actually are to keep, as long as you practice safety and caution.

What Is an Arachnid, Exactly?

Some people might also wonder what animals are classified as arachnids. What separates them from insects and other bugs?


There are several key characteristics that define an arachnid, including:


  • Eight legs


  • A segmented body consisting of an abdomen and a cephalothorax


  • Jointed legs and other appendages like pedipalps


  • An open circulatory system devoid of veins and vessels


  • A chitinous or otherwise firm-yet-flexible exoskeleton


There are many arachnids that meet these criteria, including spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, ticks, mites, and pseudoscorpions, to name some of the more obvious ones.

Should You Buy an Arachnid?

This is the million-dollar question! If you have the supplies, space, and patience for them, arachnids can make great pets. Even more venomous species are safe to maintain with the proper practices and little to no handling. They may not be the most personable of pets, but they can definitely make for interesting alternatives to a cat or dog.

Types of Arachids

Want to learn about what to expect with different species of arachnids? Check out our extensive arachnid care guides below for spiders, scorpions, and other species in this family.

Tarantula type 02

Tarantula type 03

Curled up centipede in Guadeloupe

Tarantula type 04

Tarantula type 05

Tarantula type 06

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